I would say we can definitely trust the book, To Be A Slave. The reason we can trust this book is because the author gives us many points of view, as well as from different people. And, evidently, all the stories in this book from various people, all lead toward the same answer. Slavery was a bad thing. The second reason we can trust this book is that the author seems to know a lot about slavery, therefore, being well informed about the topic. And the third reason we can trust this book is that it’s been published and checked by an editor.
Here’s one quote that supports all of what I’ve just mentioned from the book, “Others died because they took their own lives rather than live as slaves.” (Lester, 24)
Source: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51EJ3X6AJRL._AA240_.jpg
MLA Citation: Lester, Julius. To Be a Slave.
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