Sunday, May 25, 2008


Power is the ability to create the illusion of having control over others. Although many believe that power is the ability to control others. I on the other hand strongly disagree with that. The following paragraphs will explain why power is the illusion of having control over others.
For example: In the book Animal Farm many of the animals believed that Mr. Jones had power therefore they had to obey his orders. However it was simply his human form that created the illusion that he hade power over them. Which is why when the animals took matters into there own hands they were able to defeat him.
Another example of this is royalty, such as the queen or king. Because their considered royalty it creates the illusion that they have power over you. But in reality they do not. They could instruct you not to harm another person. But that doesn’t stop you from harming them. It simply puts you on alert. But it does not fully control what you do.
One last example of this is when it seems that parents can control you. Again it’s because they are considered parents that they appear to have power. The only reason you obey them is because you have common sense. So if they told you to stay in your room. You most likely will, but you don’t have to. Therefore, they can not actually control you.
To conclude Power is not just the ability to have control over someone. It’s the ability to create the illusion of having control over others. Not the other way round.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cartoon Analysis

In this cartoon some of the main visual elements are:
-A family sitting at a dining table

-A kid probably telling his parents to look at his blog to find out about his day

-Parents saying "Well, Yes, We Could Read Your Blog......Or You Could Just Tell Us About Your School Day."

The issue this cartton is demonsrating is that with the use of modern day tchnolegy, people are slowly becoming more lazy about even just the silplest tasks. This is an idea that kurt Vonnegut also put forward. The cartoonist's oppinion about this topic is again that the over all effect of technolegy on people, is that it makes them more lazy. The evidince i have to support the position of the cartoonist on this issue is how the parents ask the the kid about his day, and how the cartoonist underlined the word "Tell."

Project Population Work Plan

Here is the list that i will follow to complete my reasearch paper!

  • Monday-Finish researching my topic
  • Tueday-Begin to wirte rough draft of research paper
  • Wensday-Finish rough draft
  • Thursday- Peer edit in class
  • Friday- Make corrections and last ajustments!

Evaluating Vonnegut Quote

After reading Kurt Vonnegut's quote on Luddites and technolegy. I would have to disagree, as well as agree on what he says. I agree with his definition of luddites, "a person who doesn’t like newfangled contraptions." However, i dont beleive that what he says about technolegy is completely accurate. He states that you as a peron should be advancing and doing not the computer. And i think on some level that is a valid point. Although, i now wonder, would we be able to know, advance, and learn as quickly with technolegy such as comuters? I dont necesarly think we would. So what Kurt vonnegut states in his quote is both correct and incorrect. Therefore my conclusion statement will be, "feel free to use technolegy, but dont become completely dependant on it."

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Technology is a man made creation designed to make human life easier. This is why I think that the improvement of technology, and technology usage should be increased, and continued to be updated in schools. I believe this because when you talk about the introduction of technology in schools, you're not saying that the computer's doing you're work for you, but simply that it's speeding up the process of accomplishing work. However, not all technology is a good thing, or a necessary factor, Such as: Hairdryers, plastic bags, vacuums, or atomic bombs. Technology that is very useful includes items like: computers, compasses, pens, light bulbs, boats. Without many of these things we wouldn’t be where we are today.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thinking About Globalization

Some of the main visual elements in this cartoon are; a young angry girl, a older man reading a news paper, and a speech bouble saying "No you may not outsource your homework to India." The issue that the cartoonist is expressing is that becuase of globalizatiion, outsourcing in piticular, people in already delveloped nations are slowly becoming lazy about there work. And there becoming lazy about there work because they are having it done by other people, and making a profit out of it. I this case, the girl is lazy because shes not doing her work, but she gets a profit (good grades). Based oon what I've gathered so far, i would to say that the cartoonist does not like the concept of outsourcing. This specific cartoon relates to the concept of globalization, because it is one of the ten flattener's. Some other techniques the cartoonist could have used to make this drawing more persuasive is probably add in a line for the girl such ass : "why not? The work gets done doesn't it?" or "Why should i have to do may work?" that would probably make this piece's idea clearer.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

3 Most Valuable

The 3 most important things i learned from the UBD project are; how rapidly the populatioin of india is in creasing, how the level of TB cases increases becaause of the rising population, and how unsanitary the Delhi slums conditions were. These three things are important because they ditermine the future of India! If the population is very high, there'll be more TB cases. The more TB cases, the more people will die. And the more people will die the more the econemyt will plumet, and the more the econemy plumets, THE FASTER INDIA WILL GO INTO A STATE OF DEPRETION!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Who uses thier word precicly?

My Opinion

Although sameness and equality may sound very similar, their meanings are actually quite different. Sameness implies that every one looks, acts, feels, and responds the same way. However equality implies that people are respected and treated equally.
When comparing both books (Animal Farm and The Giver) and their authors (Lois Lowry, and George Orwell), I would have to say Lois Lowry used his words more carefully. You see, in the book The Giver equality exists, which is why Lois Lowry used that word. He used that word because in the book people don’t feel or necessarily respond the same way, though they are treated the same way. But in the book Animal Farm, Gorge Orwell used the word sameness. And this word wasn’t used correctly. This is because every one in the book didn’t all look the same, but were meant to treated equally. Therefore I would have to say that Lois L
owry picks his words much more carefully than Gorge Orwell.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Being an Adult

In the world we live in today, you are considered an adult by the time you’re around the age of eighteen. To become an adult, means that you are old enough to fend for yourself, work, and maybe even raise a family. The great thing is you can ALWAYS be a useful part of the community. Even if you are 90. This is because you can still do kind things, like make a donation, or start a health care center. However, our life seems so long compared to the children in the book The Giver where people are no longer useful by the age of 36! And, are given jobs and maybe even families by the age of 12 or 13! That’s a short life! Luckily, we have a full life to accomplish of this.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Goals/ Quarter 3 Evaluation

I completed almost all my goals that i set for 3 quarter! I improved my Socratic seminars, and some of my tests and quizzes. But i didn't complete AR by the second week of school. Though over all i think i id a pretty good job.
Some goals that i would st for myself for fourth quarter, are to finish AR as quickly as possible, get a head start on UBD or (poppulation Project) and make it easy to finish rathher then craming it all in for the last few days, and a goal for entering high school would probably be to achive and have fun!

Monday, March 10, 2008


The phrase "Holy War" is an oxymoron because war is usually not considered as a holy act. If you're religion prevents you to kill someone, but whenever you have war you do kill someone, technically you're not following you're religion. This is not always a bad thing, if you kill some one just because you want to and you're holy book states that it is a crime to kill a person, then, yes you've committed a crime, and it is considered a terrible act. However, if you kill someone with a decent reason, like the man is a terrorist, even if you're book tells you not to, it wouldn't be considered that bad. Also if you're in war, then its also not considered a bad thing because you're fighting for you're country.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Experiances With King Coyle

Our experiances with King Coyle were awfal! Our experiances with King Coyle, were definatley simaler to what the colanists faced with British goverment, only less harsh. For example: The colonists had to pay taxes and extra money to have cirtan things in there life, like tea, and cloth. We, the M1 students faced simaler conditions. We had to pay King Coyle if we wore denim, orthodontic products, or jewlry. This would be considered injustice. And beacause we didn't like the conditions we were in (tyranny) it led to self determination to rebel against King Coyle and put him out of leadership so we could live normally again.

Where Does This Book Take Place?

I think the book 43 War too place in El Salvador. Some reasons are, that El Salvador is in central america. This is important because on the back cover of the book it is mentioned that the book takes place in central america. Another, is that Honduras lies north east of El Salvador. This is also importent because Honduras is also metioned in the book. Some geographical confermations are that the climates and tropical suroundings discribed in the book match with the ones in El Salvador. Some economical simalarites between El Salvador and the unknown location in the book are that both don't have booming econemys which is clearly shown in the book. And lastly, the foods which are consumed in the book, such as beans, and tortials, are some of main foods eaten in El Salvador. And thats why i think the story 43 War take place in El Salvador.

Image :
"El Salvador - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Main Page - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 9 Mar. 2008

"El Salvador: History, Geography, Government, and Culture —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free online reference, research & homework help.. 9 Mar. 2008 .

Thoughts on Joining the Military

The country I live in, India, does not require military service after high school. I think this has posative points to it aswell as negative. Its good because youre not being forced to join the military, but then again, it also may be bad because youre county needs help if its fighting a war. The only way i would fight in the military is if my family or friend life was at stake. Otherwise i'd probaly be too scared to join.


Which Animal?

Out of all the animals in the book “Animal Farm" The character that i think i share most similarities with, is probably Squealer. Here's why: Squealer likes impressing everyone with his long, fluent, and rather complicated sentences, you can gather from that, that he likes to talk allot. And every one who knows me is certain that I do to. Another similarity between us is that we both seem constantly hyper. You can tell squealers hyper because he always hops around and wags his tail even when he’s making an important speech. And of course squealer wanted power, and let’s face it everyone wants a little bit of power, so in that way he is also like me.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cold War Simulation

When playing the Cold War in class, there were five teams or "countriess"; USA, USSR, Latin America, Africa and Europe, and Asia and the Middle East. My team was Africa and europe. The objective for the game was for the top two countries "USA, and USSR", to get as many allies as possible, and for the other three countries to get as many assighned points as many possible. Happily, My team won the most amount of points, a total of 115! I was really suprised by this because at the very beging of the class we had the least amount of points. Out of the top two contries, the USSR, won the most allies.

One reason I enjoyed the game, was that it had many realistic features to it, such as miltary, allies, purchusing of countries, and techniques such as brinksmanship. I cant wait till we get to play another one of these games.


Monday, March 3, 2008

VC Project

First, you need a good topic idea for you're project. Then you need to make a script to go along with whatever picture or idea's you will present on you're movie clip, and save it on youre computer. Then, open VC (Visual Comunicator), and follow the instructionthat the program provides for you. These instruction will include choosing a title, backround, subtile, opening music, and whether or not you will will be using a V-Screen in youre back round.
Once this is done it will take you to the page on which you will begin to create you're movie on. Now, wherever you saved you're sript, copy and paste it into the given area on the VC page, it will say something like this "Copy Script Here".
Next, to go along with you're script, save any picture you have that go along with you're topic in any file on the computer. Then open them up on VC. Next to the script, you will se a little rectangle with a camera in it. Once you've goten you're picture up on VC drag it into the epmty box next to the camera. Then ajust the box and position it next to the writing you want the picture to come up with. Do this with any pictures you want on you're movie. Once thats done, you also need to drag a picture onto the V-Screen section. when doing this make sure that there is nothing in front of the computers camera.
Now, youre pretty much done all you have to do is publish the movie by clicking the publish button. Wiat for the video to load and you're done!
Some tips I should give you are to make this video in an as quiet area as possible, make sure you're computers camera is working, and lastly, Make sure you have VC!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Animal Farm Movie Report

The movie wasn’t as good as the book was. It left out many important scenes and made many changes, some of them including: the Beasts of England song, Old major was shot, Clover who was boxer’s friend wasn’t there, the story is told by Jessie’s point of view, the seven commandments were developed in the first 2 days of the animals successful rebellion, the flag that represents Animal Farm didn’t half bull horns and a horses hoof, the animals had a hide out, Napoleon died, and the Animal farm went back to normal and got new owners. This definitely didn’t happen in the book.

Although the movie made many changes, it still stuck to the plot quite well and expressed the same morals that the book did. One of these morals was “Absolute power corrupts the ones who have it.” Another moral that both movie and book had shown was “Absolute equality is not achievable.”

To, conclude the book and the movie had their similarities and their differences but stuck to the main idea of the story of animal Farm.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Declaration of Independance

What the Declaration of Independence states, is that when the time is right you break away, and you must state why you have done this. And when the time comes, and if government is in horrible conditions, it is your duty to fix the government. It also states and supports its reasons why America wanted to break away and what mistakes the British government had made. And most importantly, it declares that all men were born equally, and should be treated equally.

There are several horrible things that King James the 3 has done to America. Here are a couple:
For preventing us from trading with other parts of the world.
For charging taxes without America’s approval.
For sending us overseas and pretend that we are criminals.
He has refused to stick to his rules, and include American citizens.
He has not stuck to his rule that he would assist in America’s army.

And lastly the declaration states that America has attempted to tell the British that what they were doing was wrong. Only the British did not listen, so now they are writing the Declaration of Independence to put this form of government to an end.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snake Picture

Some of the main visual elements on this picture are: a snake’s body separated into 8 pieces, the initials of some of the original 13 colonies, and in big bold letters, at the bottom of the page, words spell out, Join, or Die. I think the political issue this picture is representing, is the conquering of land, religion, etc, by means of various threats, some of them including death. The author of this picture was, from what we can tell, not happy about this situation. One example of this is the way he stated the words, Join, or die. If he was happy about the situation he would have said this in a more positive way. If the cartoonist wanted to make his point even stronger, I would give him one suggestion. Add some more derogatory aspects to the picture, such as adding flames around the initials of the colonies. But over all, I think the picture was well drawn, and made its point well.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Can we trust the book, To Be A Slave?

I would say we can definitely trust the book, To Be A Slave. The reason we can trust this book is because the author gives us many points of view, as well as from different people. And, evidently, all the stories in this book from various people, all lead toward the same answer. Slavery was a bad thing. The second reason we can trust this book is that the author seems to know a lot about slavery, therefore, being well informed about the topic. And the third reason we can trust this book is that it’s been published and checked by an editor.

Here’s one quote that supports all of what I’ve just mentioned from the book, “Others died because they took their own lives rather than live as slaves.” (Lester, 24)


MLA Citation: Lester, Julius. To Be a Slave. New York: Dell, 1971.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Graet Powers Game

During The Great Powers games my country was Great Britain, with Shuk as my partner. Building our empire went by quite smoothly in the beginning. Are armies, navies, colonies, as well as industries grew rapidly, almost doubling each year. Are country took the lead in obtaining the most economic points per year and also had the largest and most powerful army. Our country had a large advantage over all the other countries, and held position for the largest empire.

In the end, it was more important to by colonies and industries. This was because the more you by of these the more economic points you gained each year. And then that money would be put toward armies and navies. We also made allies which, when the first great battle took place, served us well. One area our country could have done better in was to make more allies, as we still did not have enough. Unfortunately, during the last year, the U.S declared war on us and all the other countries helped the U.S. Because our allies betrayed us, we, the country of Great Britain, were not in a position to trust them.

In Conclusion, during the The Great Powers game, many conflicts arose. As in the real world, these issues revolved around economic and financial aspects.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Quarter 3 goals

Well, I met alot of my goals for humanities last quarter.Some of them were improving my hand writing, completing AR before the quarter was over, and reading faster.

For this quarter my goals are: to complete my AR by the second week of school, improve on my socratic seminar, and improving on my tests and quizzes.